> 1 Andi - 42 0:01:02 0:01:01 0:02:03 0:00:00
> 2 Arys - 44 0:01:03 0:01:03 0:02:06 0:00:03
> 3 Dani Sapta - 46 0:01:06 0:01:05 0:02:11 0:00:08
> 4 Ahok - 40 0:01:08 0:01:09 0:02:17 0:00:14
> 5 Lody - 2 0:01:10 0:01:08 0:02:18 0:00:15
> 6 Didi - 6 0:01:08 0:01:11 0:02:20 0:00:17
> 7 Miing - 48 0:01:13 0:01:07 0:02:20 0:00:17
> 8 Nurul Huda - 7 0:01:10 0:01:15 0:02:25 0:00:22
> 9 Yogi - 23 0:01:13 0:01:13 0:02:26 0:00:23
> 10 Rian - 24 0:01:17 0:01:11 0:02:27 0:00:24
> 11 Eko Persada - 36 0:01:17 0:01:14 0:02:31 0:00:28
> 12 Agus - 28 0:01:12 0:01:21 0:02:33 0:00:30
> 13 Herlen - 17 0:01:18 0:01:17 0:02:35 0:00:32
> 14 Jodi - 43 0:01:20 0:01:19 0:02:39 0:00:36
> 15 Akbar - 45 0:01:20 0:01:20 0:02:40 0:00:37
> 16 Prapto - 29 0:01:24 0:01:22 0:02:46 0:00:43
> 17 Nanda - 22 0:01:30 0:01:19 0:02:49 0:00:46
> 18 Ari - 14 0:02:02 0:01:39 0:03:41 0:01:38
> 19 Londo - 13 0:01:18 DNF - -
> 20 Djoe - 12 0:01:21 DNS - -
> 21 Hilal-27 DNS DNS - -
Kamis, 21 April 2011
well done DBP rider ....you break time lap DBP record
Sunday 17 april 2011, Duriangkang Reservoir near By,there was 21 DBP reader race in 3RD DH convention.low turn radius sharp angle down elevation not make all Down hiller have a spirit of champion.
in a jungle tropical condion make them all must be adapted will all situation there , slick surface , twillight condition , hight hill and hight angle of elevation make them bicycle no easy be controled , several obstacle they cross , turn berm , table top , double jump , hight cut jump they handle like profecional down hiller, well done guys and see you in the next race in Drak Bike Park with better condition and better change.
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